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Truck and Trucking

Truck and Trucking Accident Information

Protecting yourself after a truck accident

If you or a loved one has been involved in a serious trucking accident, we are truly sorry for your loss. Based on experience, we know that what you are going through is extremely painful and difficult.
One of the most important things you can do right now, is protect yourself and your family from any further damage. A good lawyer can guide you through the legal process and make sure you get the money you need for medical bills, lost work time, and other damages.

Obtain evidence

Trucking accidents are different than other vehicle accidents because of the federal laws that govern the trucking industry. Federal regulations require that specific evidence must be maintained, yet it is only valid for a limited amount of time. For example, the truck driver’s log may be destroyed after six months if an attorney does not obtain a court order or take other immediate action.

Dealing with insurance

Over the road, some trucks must also carry various levels of insurance coverage. This can create a situation where the hauling and leasing companies may spend months or years arguing about which insurance company is responsible for compensating the victim in a truck liability case. As you deal with other issues in your life, you will need someone to represent you in this potentially long, drawn-out process.

Negotiating with trucking companies

Truck Liability also involves trucking companies. The trucking company’s claims adjuster began to protect the trucking company’s interests immediately following your accident. The designated investigator has already started to collect evidence to defend or minimize the claim. Additionally, the trucking company may attempt to deter you from seeking legal counsel, because trucking companies know that if you have a trucking accident attorney, you are more likely to receive a larger settlement. We highly recommend that you do not discuss your trucking accident with anyone unless you have attorney representation, as anything you say may be used against you later.